30 October 2017

How To Increase Engine Power Without To The Workshop

How to Increase Car Engine Power - Every car manufacturer must have designed and designed in such a way a standard engine that will be used on every new car product by considering a variety of things, one such as the durability of the machine. Although standard factory default engine has been designed in such a way that is reinforced by various tests, but not a few car owners are still less satisfied about the standard engine power brought by the manufacturer.

In addition to less performance bertenanga, other reasons car owners want to increase engine power because for his car can go on the character of various road terrain. Suppose the character of a mountain road uphill certainly requires a strong engine performance in order to smoothly travel. And no doubt, there are some cars that have original settings from the factory is less steady to drive on the character of a road uphill like a mountain road.

And not least also the reason the owner increases the engine power that is in his vehicle because he is hoby and satisfaction in driving. The question, how to increase the power of the car engine we have? Actually to increase the engine power, no need to workshop or place of machine renovation. Provided you know how, of course can be done alone and here we serve how to increase the engine power of a car that can know buddy.

How To Increase Engine Power Without To The Workshop

Carburetor settings

How to increase the power of the first car engine that can be done is setting the carburetor. Therefore, in setting the carburetor should menyetingnya correctly, do not let a mistake.

Replacing ECU Chip

In addition to setting the carburetor, another way that the owner can do to increase the engine power on the vehicle is by replacing the ECU chip from standard to the racing.

Install Turbocharger

How to improve the performance of the next engine that is by installing a turbocahreger on the engine. Turbocharger work itself is by utilizing the remaining exhaust gas generated from combustion in the engine that serves to turn the fan inside the turbocharger.

Perform a reshuffle to the exhaust

It is common knowledge that changing racing or modified exhaust can increase power in car engines. For owners who want to power the car faster, we recommend to replace the standard exhaust into a exhaust system or exhaust with a type of free flow made of large pipes that can reduce the exhaust system of combustion.

Reduce the car load

The more weight the car carries, the slower the vehicle will be. Therefore, in order to keep the car steady and powered by reducing the burden of the car. But the need to remember to reduce the burden of the car does not mean throw all the components of the car, the intention of reducing the burden of the car here is to replace some car components made of heavy materials are replaced by using a light load.

Installing Inter Cooler

Next How to increase the power of a car engine that can be done by installing the inter cooler, as for the function of this component is to cool the air into the combustion chamber.

Changing the spark plug

As we all know that the name of spark plug components is very important in the presence of vehicles both cars and motorcycles. Well for my friend who wants car engine performance more aggressive and fast, my friend can make it happen by replacing spark plugs. Advice from us, use iriduium busi. Why iridium spark plug? because iridium spark plugs can produce more complete combustion of fuel, with the combustion of fuel more fully automated power to be produced faster.

Choose a Good Lubricant

Lubricant is one that supports the good or bad performance of our car engine, therefore for my friend who wants faster car engine performance use a lubricant that has a good quality.

Adding Machine Capacity

And How to improve the last car engine power is to upgrade or increase the capacity of the machine. It is undeniable that this way is quite esktream and requires a lot of cost, for this one way is better done by a professional who is a compressor in the field of engine innards.

More or less that's a few ways to increase the power of a car engine that you can do if you want a four-wheeled vehicle that my friend has more powerful. In addition to the performance of a less powerful engine, one of the problems that are often complained by the owner of the car that is fast hot car engine. To find out the cause of the engine quickly hot car, my friend can read the discussion on previous occasions

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